Along Came A Dog Blog

Along Came A Dog...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Screw the tags!

Every day Coburn proves to me, little by little, that he's fearless. Recently he conquered the dreaded stairs. He played with a german shephard/rotweiller cross named Rosco and didn't seem to notice a size difference. But the other day he did something truly courageous - something most humans just don't have the guts to do. Coburn tore all of the tags off his belongings.

He started with his bed, and I gasped! Coburn! You're not supposed to tear that off! He ignored me though, and by the time I tried to stop him, it was too late - the washing instructions and all that other nonsense was lying in a pile of slobber on the floor. Before I could think about his crime, he had Mr. Elephant's butt in his mouth, one paw on his head.

Weirdo squeeky frog was next, and then his kennel blanket. As I cleaned up the aftermath, I wondered - why don't we take the tags off our belongings? Shirts, beds, blankets - a stitch-ripper would do the trick without leaving any itchy remnants. Maybe Coburn has the right idea! Who needs these annoying bits of material anyhow!

I've vowed to rip more tags off things, beginning with my bed tags - just as soon as I work up the courage.

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